RELEASE NOTES - 2020-09-24

New content

Big canine head

CanineDigitigrade2 feet

Wolf templates

(Female wolf.)

(Male wolf.)

New parts


New features

Drag & drop

You can now drag and drop references in properties. Should work with any referential property.

(Drag & drop masks.)

(Drag & drop local assets.)


You can now create folders.

(Create folder and organize content.)

(You can create folders in several different types of objects.)

Jittered dithering

Exploiting temporal anti-aliasing to create illusion of smooth translucency for opaque objects. (Removes the "griminess" of dithering.)



Can be toggled in Edit > Preferences > Graphics.

Soft glow

A post processing filter mimicing "soft glow" which is frequently used in anime.

Can be toggled in Edit > Preferences > Graphics.

Pose clothing

You can play around with bra physics in pose mode.
This is an alpha/temporary feature useful for cloth authoring. It will probably be moved to another location in the future.

(If you're interested in garment authoring, check out this preliminary guide.)

Reset pose

You can now reset character pose with the click of a button.

Layer filters

New filters for the texture builder system.

Brightness Contrast

HSL (Hue Saturation Lightness)



Layer stack is translated to grayscale, then used as lookup texture for gradient.



Parts & appendages included

You can now export parts & appendages in addition to body.

Pose export

You can now export pose as mesh from pose mode (Menu bar > Export).

Export textures

Export textures.


  • Preferences > Default map.
    • (Choose what map to load by default.)


  • Opening the cloud browser will now disable 3D rendering (to make browsing experience smoother).
  • FurryVNE will now remember the last path where you opened/saved a file for importing/exporting.
  • FurryVNE will now open the last [stored] character upon app start rather than fallback.
    • (If no last character is found, then fallback will be used.)
  • Target framerate for 18 + alpha warning screens is now 30 (rather than unlimited).
    • (Would stress GPUs otherwise by drawing hundreds if not thousands of frames.)
  • AUTO setting (default) for Preferences > TargetFramerate can now never go beyond 90 fps.
    • (I think some monitors return phony values in API, which would cause target framerate to go to extreme values which would unnecessarily stress GPU.)
    • (If you want to go higher, select another target framerate manually.)
  • LocalAssets now has plus button for importing assets.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where snap to surface point wouldn't set bone parent correctly when snapping to neck in giraffe.
  • Fixed a cloud issue where updated characters could be set as a derivative of themselves.
  • Fixed an issue where shadows could be seen through fluff and parts on settings lower than high.
  • Fixed an issue where eyes look at would not update when changing nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where a screenshot was already inside Lyra template.
  • Fixed an issue where fluff instances would not load or undo/redo properly for large tilt values.
  • Fixed an issue where fluff instances would not load or undo/redo properly for negative tilt values.
  • Fixed an issue in pose mode where you were able to change the character's name.
    • (Name change is done in CharacterBuilder object in edit mode.)
  • Fixed an issue with dragon head teeth in "long" tweakable.
    • (This was already fixed before but we forgot to include the fix in the build.)
  • Fixed issues with canine2 masks eyeliner/teeth/mouth not working as expected.
  • Fixed issues with some parts not quite connecting seamlessly with body.
  • Fixed a shape issue in fox head.
  • Fixed an issue where imported eyelash textures would not tile properly.