RELEASE NOTES - 2021-10-30

New characters

Khana 2.0

Available in cloud.

Khana Legacy

Available in cloud.

New content

Gazelle parts

New head and ears.

Bovine digitigrade 2

4 finger generic hand

Flat nipple

  • Can be used together with curve property to create custom nipple.


  • Height curve for areola/nipple is no longer based off model difference on height axis.
    • (Instead the curve is simply added on top of the shape.)


  • Height curve for areola/nipple now has a multiplier property.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue bones for breasts would not be placed properly upon load if character had custom offsets with custom inflation shapes for breasts.
  • Fixed an issue where nodes could collide with character parts (such as breasts).
    • (Apparently collision matrix was reset when I moved project to new computer.)
  • Fixed an issue with fur authoring depending on a thickness mask wouldn't be applied properly on load.
  • Fixed an issue where tongue would stick far out of mouth if elongating the snout through custom offsets.
  • Fixed an issue where clothes cover for model appendage groups wouldn't work.
    (NOTE! Clothes cover only works if fur is enabled and if garment has clothes cover enabled.)
  • Fixed an issue with areola/nipple curve and normal blending not being applied properly if sizes other than 1 were used.
  • Fixed bad vertices in Big Canine when exporting custom offset and importing to Blender.
  • Fixed bad vertices in Snake that occurred when maxing Muzzle_Smaller slider.
  • Fixed an issue in areola nipple where distance parameter would be visible even though distance mode was not set.