RELEASE NOTES - 2022-01-14

New content


Hyena head, ear, hair parts and templates for both male and female.

CanineDigitigrade3 feet


Clothing cover

We have updated several systems to hopefully offer a better experience in regards to clothes cover. In addition to fur cover having been revamped, appendages have received a completely new system altogether for deciding whether or not to hide the instances. Rather than relying on the underlying baked fur map, appendages now use raycasting on each individual item to check for intersections. This has several advantages, namely:

  1. Appendages can be hidden by clothing even if there is no fur or fur maps. I.e., you don't need fur to be enabled anymore to be able to let clothing hide appendages.

  2. The direction of each individual appendage is used in the raycasting rather than the fur map direction, meaning better results.

While this solution produces better results than before, there are some limitations you need to consider. When doing the raycasting, only the root and the end point are considered for the ray. I.e., if both the root and end point are beneath the clothing, it will not be considered to be intersecting, even if other parts of the instance are intersecting. This means that curved geometry might still clip for some situations.

How is the root and end point computed? The root is always the point at which the instance is placed. For endpoints, however, it's a bit different. For fluff instances, the end point is computed by taking the average of the last two vertices in the fluff mesh instance. For model appendages, the vertex furthest away from the root is used, i.e. the vertex with the largest vector magnitude.

We hope these improvements will offer a better experience than before. As most of our time is going towards the interaction build, it still hasn't been tested that much so let us know how this implementation works for your characters.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where you'd be able to put parts into folders of other parts.
    • (This would cause the app not being able to save the file.)
  • Removed Canine2 shaft.
    • (Accidentally made it into previous build. It is not finished and will be added back later.)
  • Gazelle: fixed bad mouth and teeth mask.
  • Big Canine head: fixed bad teeth mask.