RELEASE NOTES - 2023-10-02

New content

BBW body type

Female BBW Template

Male Template using BBW

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where faulty cloth assets could cause garments referencing those assets to get into a corrupted state.
  • Fixed an issue where vertices for garments could appear incorrectly when bound using surface method.
  • Fixed an issue where fluff instances could still display even though cover was enabled and instances were intersecting with geometry.
  • Fixed an issue where color would not be committed to history if clicking a new color property while the previous one was still being edited.
  • Fixed an issue where nipples would appear incorrectly if going to pose mode while a mask was selected and then going back again.
  • Fixed an issue where MaskAreola could be applied incorrectly if going to pose mode while a mask was selected and if the pose in pose mode didn't match the editing pose.
  • Fixed an issue where appendage instances could be incorrectly hidden when using multiple garments and having appendage cover activated.
  • Fixed an issue where changing garment shapes wouldn't update appendage cover visibility.
  • Fixed an issue where some inflation sliders were incorrectly reset when pressing "Reset bones & shapes" in Custom Offsets.