RELEASE NOTES - 2024-02-27

New features

  • You can now middle click in the timeline to create a new keyframe at the location of the mouse cursor.
    • (The value being added is sampled from the timeline handle location.)


  • Added commands to steps right click menu:
    • Initialize missing.
      • (Sample end of previous step and insert into default timeline, unless keyframes already exist for those properties.)
    • Initialize overwrite.
      • (Sample end of previous step and overwrite default timeline with those values.)
    • Create as initialized.
      • (Creates a new step, but initializes the default timeline to have the last keyframes of each property from the previous step.)
    • Duplicate as initialized.
      • (Creates a copy, but overrides the default timeline's keyframes to have the values of the last keyframe of each property from the previous step.)


  • Made improvements to node keyframe interpolation when mixing node states of different types to create more consistent results.
  • Greatly sped up keyframe bulk editing.
  • You can now use "Delete" or "X" keys to delete keyframes.
    • (Only works when mouse cursor is in the timeline area.)



The plus symbol ("+") for steps now works differently. Instead of adding a new blank step, you're provided with choices of how to create the new step. There's several options:

Create as initialized

Duplicates the step, but clears the timelines and then initializes the default timeline with the last keyframe of each property from the previous step.


Creates a copy of the step.

Duplicated as initialized

Creates a copy, but overrides the default timeline's keyframes to have the values of the last keyframe of each property from the previous step.


  • Properties are now always ordered in the timeline window:
    • Sorted by object name.
    • Then by root name.
    • Then by property name.
  • When hovering over a property ref (driver), the full value will be displayed in tooltip.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where eyes would look in the wrong direction when using update screenshots.
  • Fixed an issue where changing root scale would not update areola/nipple.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing "Upload" while editing a physical chain could corrupt editor state.
  • Fixed an issue where user adjustables wouldn't be available in interactions.
  • Fixed an issue where keyframes would behave inconsistently when moved on top of each other.
  • Fixed issues with keyframes not restoring properly with undo.
  • Fixed an issue where nodes could get into a corrupted state.
  • Fixed an issue where middle-clicking when over UI would still cause camera to move.
    • (Pro-tip - you can middle click a step to transition to it without causing selection to change.)
  • Fixed a serious issue where node's keyframes wouldn't be applied properly when switching steps unless interaction was playing.
  • Fixed a serious issue where coupling's node would get its keyframe overwritten when switching steps by whatever value it had in the editor at the time of the transition.
  • Fixed an issue where EyesController would show up as "YL2Object" in the Timeline view.
  • Fixed an issue where keyframes could get incorrectly duplicated at top of each other in some circumstances.