RELEASE NOTES - 2020-03-18

New content

Dragon head

Dragon head male
Dragon head female
Dragon head female

Male athletic body type

Male athletic body type


Goat ears
(Goat ears)

Horn socket
(Horn socket)



Horse head for the female body type looked really odd previously. This was due to the neck of the female body type not being quite optimal, which required the horse head to grow to make it fit.

Now, we have altered the neck in bt_f_defeault and adjusted heads accordingly (horse included).

Here you can see the difference:


  • EyeOptions - Edge specular
    • This used to be hard coded at 1. Now there's a slider allowing you to reduce it.
    • Useful for eyes with dark sclera.
  • New template - Male Dragon.


  • Fixed horse tail not having proper scale, causing fluff not to work properly.
  • Fixed a bug where the balls wouldn't receive any metallic.
  • Fixed a bug where appendage instances would rotate if undoing move.
  • Fixed a bug where there would be a visible seam on the breasts when loading a character if breast inflation was modified.
  • Fixed a bug where creating a part instance would corrupt history.
  • Fixed a bug where part instances would rotate or move unexpectedly if adjusted by gizmo after part conversion.
  • Fixed a bug where commas would be used instead of points when exporting OBJ on certain systems.
  • Fixed a bug where layer fill gradient wouldn't be applied after loading a character.